Media Release: Local lesbian questions; is Queensland's MP, Peter Dowling, a hypocrite after he previously labelled her an unsuitable parent?
Media Release
Tuesday 6 August 2013Adele Fisher, a resident of Queensland's Redland City is "surprised" after learning of the allegations that Redlands MP, Peter Dowling, may have had a two and a half year affair while he was married.
This follows an incident in February 2012 at a State Election Meet the Candidates event held by the Australian Christian Lobby at Cleveland, which Ms Fisher attended. Ms Fisher says that at this event, Peter Dowling stated he believed the children raised in same sex parented families were harmed by having parents in love with a person of the same sex. It was at this stage that Fisher identified herself as living in a same sex relationship and raising happy, well adjusted children.
Allegations have arisen that a woman claims she and Mr Dowling had a two and a half year affair. It's claimed he had repeatedly used the parliamentary bedsit and electorate office for sex, plus sent pornographic images of his penis to his mistress.
Ms Fisher says it's entirely appropriate that Mr Dowling stand down as Chair of the Parliamentary Ethics Committee and from his position on the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee, while the matter is investigated.
Ms Fisher states:
"Mr Dowling said marriage was about a man and woman in church, and that to allow same sex couples to marry, would created a slippery slope which would result in the watering down of values."
"If the allegations of having an extra-marital affair are correct, then Mr Dowling has himself watered down values and destroyed what he described as the sanctity of marriage to be protected from same-sex couples."
“Mr Dowling spoke to me for some time about the "innocent third parties" affected and the slippery slope of same sex marriage. I asked him if he thought the children in same sex headed families were harmed and he said he felt they were, they had no choice and there was plenty of research to support this claim. It was at this point I said to him that I had two children.”
Ms Fisher further comments that:
“Mr Dowling suggested my partner and I were perhaps exceptions i.e. good parents instead of the norm for homosexuals. He asked what gender my children were and did my son have strong male role models. If these allegations are correct who is he to ask me about suitable role models for my children?”
Mr Dowling has apologised to his family, friends, colleagues and staff; where is his apology to the public?
Ms Fisher wrote a column for Queensland Pride magazine about this meeting.
For further information contact Adele Fisher on
Copyright Adele Fisher 2014